Thursday, December 31, 2009


Goals for this year, no particular order.

1. Continue to be debt free.
2. Continue to give.
3. School.
4. Work extra 5 hours per week.
5. Not tire of doing good.
6. Not tire of doing what works (exercise, eating right, planning meals, cooking).
7. Pay cash for groceries.
8. Eat vegetables every day.
9. More focus at work.
10. Take vitamins.
11. Go to Saturday prayers.
12. Continue with monthly focus prayers.
13. Continue with youth group.
14. Spend time each week keeping up with finances.

In summary, for 2010, I'd like to be more EFFECTIVE at work, finances and home.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's hard being a grown up

I have so much that I'd like to blog about but I don't know where to start. Mostly it is pessimistic with a little bit of self pity thrown in. THat's how I'm feeling at the moment. I don't have time tonight to get into it. THere is a lot of stress on me right now. Or perhaps I put the stress on myself because EVERBODY has problems. They certainly aren't unique to me. But EVERYBODY is not worried like me. So . . . it could be me. I could be putting the pressure on myself.

I need to find a diversion. Or friends. You know what they say, friends can multiply your joys and divide your sorrows. Or something like that.

It's hard being a grown-up.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

New Blog for Various Topics

I feel the need to have another blog for just any topic that is on my mind.

Right now I am sick so that is ALL that is on my mind. I've been sick with flu/pnumonia/sinus infection/exhaustion for about three weeks now. So that is ALL that I can think about. This is what is on my mind today.

I am struggling but I dont want to talk about it. Nobody has called me. Even my Mom only talked to me for 5 minutes today and as soon as she got on the phone, she said, "Well I won't keep you." and got off. But there isn't much to say. Because talking doesn't make me better.

I have been praying a lot.

Will I be better by the new year? Maybe January. Or maybe a week. I don't know.

It feels good to get it out here.